Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How are we to get there without a motor car?

I lied. Wordpress is confusing and I don't feel like devoting that much energy to something that unnecessary.

We'll be at La Paloma Coffee House this Saturday with Ladyhips ( We've been trying to get a show together with them for a while, so I'm glad we'll finally get to do it. The show will start around 7:30 PM.

We'll have a Kickstarter project ( up and running in the near future. We're doing our best to map our summer tour plans, and it looks like we'll need some help with the financial burdens of touring. We've arranged everything ourselves (much like we've done everything as a band) and it's been an exhausting - though rewarding - process. We'll be publicizing that a ton as soon as it's settled - there's money and business stuff to deal with first and that's weird and scary.

Last summer, the Chrises, David, and myself took a road trip to New Smyrna Beach, Florida. We all decided it was one of the best weeks of our lives, and we recorded ourselves playing on the beach one night. We sound terrible, but it's still hilarious to us and I'll probably get that footage on the website sometime soon. Because we know how much everyone wants to hear us being stupid. Otherwise, you wouldn't ever come see us at a show.

I've been playing "Molly Malone" off of our record to the elementary schoolers at my student teaching placement this week. They all think the penny whistle is great, and it's really neat to talk to kids about what I do and how much I've accomplished. They all think it's really neat and ask if we're on iTunes, if I'm famous, if we're rich, etc. The answer to all three of those questions is no. iTunes is the most realistic...we just haven't gotten around to making that happen yet. It's hard trying to be a big, widespread gigging band and teach music full time.

We love you! David, Matt and I will be graduating in eleven days. Best of luck to all of our fans who are in the midst of finals week and/or will soon be graduating!

- G

We <3 Mike Turek

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